North Shore Cosmetic Surgery - Locations |
This map shows the locations of North Shore Cosmetic Surgery’s consulting rooms in Mosman, Brookvale and Wahroonga. Minor procedures are performed in these purpose built facilities while more complex procedures are performed at one of the hospitals listed below. For detailed directions please visit individual surgeon's website.
[ Use the Zoom Controls (+ or -) at top left to 'Zoom in' on the map or 'Zoom out to see all clinic locations'. To move the map to see all locations - click on the map then drag with your mouse or use the arrow buttons.
Click on each of the markers for address details.]
Contact the Surgeons at North Shore Cosmetic Surgery: |
Level 1, 357 Military Road,
Mosman NSW 2008
Suite 507 San Clinic
185 Fox Valley Rd
Wahroonga NSW 2076
Suite 119, 20 Dale St
Brookvale NSW 2100 |
- Castlecrag Private Hospital
- Delmar Private Hospital
- Hunters Hill Private Hospital
- Royal North Shore Hospital
- North Shore Private Hospital
- Mater Hospital
- SAN Day Surgery
- Sydney Adventist Hospital
- Brisbane Waters Private Hospital
- North Gosford Private Hospital